June 4, 2013

Stong Thesis Statement - Self Check Skills

Author’s Note:  This is another self-check skill that I am going to try to master. I am going to try to master the skill of creating a strong thesis statement for a sample paper. I am only going to be writing the introduction for the piece. My goal is to try to master this skill.  

Topic:  Why School should Start Later in the Day

You are in your third hour class.  You are tired because you went to bed really late the previous night and your body didn’t get enough sleep. This is the feeling that many kids during their school day. Too many times there are students who don’t get enough sleep, so they aren’t focused during the school day. In order to have success and have students focused during the day, school should start later.     
Topic:  Why we should Protect our National Parks 

The incredible rock formations, mountains, bodies of water and rare animals are what make our country’s National Parks. The natural parks in our country contain some of the best beauty in the world. These parks have been under construction for thousands of years, creating what we see today. Preserving the National Parks is something that should continue, because many animals call the parks their home and they contain beauty that can be found nowhere else in the world.  

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